The Heart of Garlemald

A cat with desire, dreams, and a passion for the end times

Who Am I?

Name: M'eowsi Nyanyan Birthname Redacted
Age: 41
Profession: Sky Pirate, Former Spy
Race: Miqo'te Keeper
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Physical Appearance:
Height: 4'11"
Body type: Petite, Flexible, Small Chest and Round hips.
Noticeable features: Freckled face, cute little lion like tail, and sweet caramel skin
Eyes: Jade Green
Hair: Soft pink
Style: Short hair, with two tassels tied on the sides.
Personality: Spunky, sassy, and thinks the best of herself. She has seen it all, and done it all, so she thinks she is the hottest of the hot, the baddest of the bad, but deep down, she is actually the sweetest of the sweet.
Notable Accessories: Wears glasses to be able to read, and always has her nails paintedLanguages: Garlean, Miqote, Common EorzeanLikes: Cute Lizards and Cats. Piracy, Garlemald, Her ship, fish, and most types of vegetarian dishesDislikes: Eorzean Politics, People who think they could best her, And chartreuseRelationships
Familial: None, Her crew is her close family
Children: None.
Partner: None.

Back Story

Born to a small keeper family deep within the shroud, M’eowsi Nyanyan [Birthname Redacted] was raised by her mother and father, who lived somewhat separated from the rest of the keepers in the shroud, closer to the Xelphatol Mountains. She spent most of her young years learning how to forage the lands with her mother, learning what fruits, berries, and fungi were and were not edible, all the while her two brothers and her father tilled the land, farmed, and hunted, making sure the family always had food, and safety from outsiders.All was well in her life till one fateful day not too long after her sixth naming day, that the marches of the Garlean warmachine encroached on their land. Fortunately for them, the warband that approached was not looking to fight, rather was doing reconnaissance in the area for the looming invasion of Gyr Abania, though unfortunately for them, the Garleans lacked mercy for even an innocent keeper family living off the land. All three children were captured rather quickly as their father was cut down before them by an imposing soldier wearing the standard Magitek suit, though to M’eowsi’s relief it appeared to her that her mother escaped with her life.Though unfortunately for the children, the army was always looking for new people to force into the war, and they each were taken by airship back to Garlemald. Each of the three children were taken to separate facilities as they each were planned to have different experiments run on them. M’eowsi was taken by a group of Garlean Scientists under the command of Aulus Asina for further echo and Aetheric research. This unfortunately was the worst outcome for her.M’eowsi endured years of experiments, along with many other captured children, at Garlemalds hands, both with the study of aetheric connections everyone shares with the mother crystal and life stream, and with the creation of artificial Echo. On her fourteenth nameday she was selected from a few children due to her shockingly strong will, always standing defiant against the handlers every time they came to collect her for another round of trials. She stood face to face with Aulus while she was informed she was selected to join the glorious ranks of the Garlean Reapers, all thanks to the experiments draining her of every drop of Aether.She was taken by the handlers to a room that, to her, appeared to be nothing more than a ritual chamber. There she was faced with the voidsent Zeromus, where she was forced by the handlers to accept the pact with the monster. Afterwards, drained of any energy, she collapsed, taken back to the holding chambers she was kept in, and a few soldiers were posted on guard in case she awoke and could use the pact to attempt an escape.After nearly two days asleep, the Miqo'te awoke, confused, with an unusual sensation washing over her, the soft whispers of the void filling her young fragile mind. It took no more than a few days in confinement with the whispers of the void for her to break, scratching at the door to be taken to the Reapers to learn how to control the voices. The soldiers chuckled, knowing that this was the other choice she had, other than succumbing to the void and dying. The cell is opened, and they grab her, taking her off to begin life as a Reaper.Many more years pass, during which not only does she learn to control the pact she had formed with the void, but she has taken the initiative and rose in the ranks of the Reaper core, earning herself a place of quite a lot of honor for a nonGarlean, commanding her own small group, and having access to her own airship. She was now 28, and jaded to the plights in the world, knowing nothing more to her life than accepted contracts handed down from Solus zos Galvus, taking out targets who stood against the empires progress and march of war, both dissidents within the Garlean empire, and foreign rivals who would spark resistance against the empires rapid crawls towards domination.Her command of her powers and her desire for nothing more than to earn her place in the world, to lead herself to some place she might one day find peace, though leaving a wake of death and destruction behind her. It was not until the campaign to capture and crush Dalmasca, and the entirety of Bozja that the grip of the empire began to waver, seeing the mass death of the innocents in the wake of the invasion and all of those who were killed or taken to have to live a life like her younger years. This campaign tried her allegiance to the empire, and was were she began to use her expertise in subterfuge and assassination for only her own benefit, in secret helping pockets of resistance with plans of Garlean movements allowing them to seek shelter or fight back effectively, though at the same time stealing their secrets and plans to give to her superiors as to not raise any suspicion of her two faced behavoir.After a few more years of being both a spy for small pockets of resistance in both Dalmasca and Gyr Abania, and an assassin for the empire, came a fateful encounter she and her crew were ordered to help with, The Battle of Carteneau, which was were her allegiance to the empire ended. Seeing the resilience of the Eorzean people to stand against the might of the empire, and their master plan, to crack open Dalamud and release the elder primal within, plunging the world into the next umbral era, and attempting to end the world. If it was not for witnessing the hope of the people of Eorzea, summoning the twelve gods of land to protect the world and help seal away Bahamut she would have thought their resistance was all but fruitless. Though, the twelve could not stop the power of Bahamut.Days after the elder primal cast his Teraflare, and exterminated almost all of those within the Carteneau flats, M’eowsi awoke, buried within rubble of her airship, with only one other member of her crew surviving, they both hobbled their damaged and fractured selves to safety, swearing that they will do whatever they must to live the rest of their lives, only for themselves, and not for the greed of others.One year after the cataclysm, M’eowsi and Lusus nan Hedius, the only surviving member of her original crew return to the wreckage of their airship, salvaging what they could from the rubble and slowly rebuilding her, naming her The Unforgiven. This began the next capture of her life, one where she finally sought out peace for herself. She used connections she had within Eorzea to remain nearly hidden from all, knowing that despite breaking off of the empire, most Eorzean officials would not take kindly to discovering a former Garlean assassin living amongst them. Though, these connections allowed her to meet other wayward souls who the cataclysm doomed them, uprooting their whole lives, and left them with nothing left. Taking them aboard her ship, she slowly built herself a new crew of people with nothing really left to lose, but only the world to gain.Through the years, she grew close with these people, X'atha, a former engineer for the Garlond Ironworks who was captured by Garleans but escaped with the help of M’eowsi. Pokiki Poki, who earned the nickname Popo, who was a lone Lalafell healer who sought out safe passage to the far east, and upon hiring M’eowsi to bring her to the other side of the Sirensong Sea, fell almost in love with the crew, wanting to stay aboard and became the healer and chef for the ship. Durrgha, a quiet Xaela man who seldom spoke who was someone she picked up during a rescue mission in the western Burn, who wanted to stay with the crew and help those who he could, very proficient with an axe, he proved himself helpful in most situations that called for violence. And finally M'jigea, a spunky young seeker woman who she saved from the streets of Ul’dah after stumbling into her drunkenly trying to fight off a group of Roe who were going to have her way with her. This ragtag group of people became The Unforgiven, and M’eowsi’s new family.Now older, nearing the age of 40, her life has calmed down a lot, especially with the collapse of the empire and the war slowly coming to an end. All that is left for her and the people who have become her family, is to finally relax, seek the peace they all deserve after a life of pain, misery, and death.She has had quite a few lovers in her life, most being nothing more than small flings that lead nowhere but some fun, one she spent quite a lot of time with during the beginning of her decline in her chaotic lifestyle, left a large impression on her, and drove the desire to settle down with someone, and finally find peace in her life. She always will remember that poor girls name, Kat’si, one she most likely ruined their life becoming such a large part of it, before vanishing due to her need to hide from the eyes of Eorzeans Officials.

I Am Danger

Sky Pirate Queen: The self proclaimed queen of the skies, someone who thinks they are the best of the best, with knowledge of nearly every reach of the planet, able to get you anywhere, find you anywhere, or get anyone anything they desire.Sellsword: Lacking the ability to use Aether has not slowed her down, or her abilities, a fierce fighter, trained by not only a long standing sky pirate crew, but also Garlean Officers, being sure she would be of use to them. Now using her skills with Garlean Gunswords, and other nonmagical weapons she sells her skills to whoever is willing to pay her.The Romantic: Whether you are someone who she just met, or someone she has known most of her life, there is a good and solid chance she will flirt, make your feel special, and do her best to put a smile on your face. Her hard life has taught her, always spread kindness, for you could lose everything in a moment.

Who Am I?

I am not always online the most but when I am, you always can find me hanging around the Aetherplaza in Hyperion (primal) Limsa, or out in the world crafting and gathering, or doing random things with my friends. You are always welcome to /dote me or say hello!I have been a roleplayer for a very very long time, and used to be very active in the Aether RP community, moderating a large RP discord for the data center, till certain things pushed me to transfer off of the data center and over to primal, where I have not found my roots in in game RP yet, but I am always open to anything!I do not like force anything story wise, or even between characters, I am someone who likes to let the RPs and the characters develop naturally, M'eowsi is not going to like everyone, hell she might even despise you! She is Lawful Evil in alignment, doing terrible things for her own code, protecting what is important to her, and only doing what she must to achieve what she wants.If you ever care to interact you can message me in game, or out of game, I am always around!